Hi, after a long time, I'm back. Who used to visit my blog already knows that appear and disappear as the Guadiana, so thank you very much to follow there to all those who follow. I apologize because I had promised my purposes New Year update every day, then once a week, and at the end thank God if you post something every month ... In fact you should know that this blog is just a project yet, something that should grow gradually as I go gaining responsibility and commitment to the blog. Well the mess:
's time to plan vacations. Some people have little, other much, and others nothing, either because the have enjoyed, or not have them directly. Today I bring a website to help us plan our vacation at home comfortably and go from agency to agency going crazy. These are:
to me the one I like is the first. Because it has a very good form, put the place of destination, place of origin and leave a lot of offers. Also usually has all wholesalers, however the other two do not see very complete in that regard.
What are the tickers displayed wholesaler which is sent daily or weekly travel agencies to sell it. What happens is that after each agency has its contracts with individuals and wholesalers do not advertise for other bids. For example, in the window of Falcon Travel can find lots of tickers Travelplan, but none of Iberojet. And so with other agencies. These pages have them all at your fingertips with a single search and compare prices, quality etc. Print it and bring it to the agency and say I want this!. If you go to the agency of the same chain of wholesalers, the better the deal. For example: Travelplan = falcon travel Iberojet = Viajes Iberia.
If you're in total travel agent plan and want also find information about the destination: places to visit, restaurants, beaches etc. I'll give you two reference pages with links to official websites of all tourist destinations:
From Europe:
Britain: http://www.visitbritain.es/
France: http://es.franceguide.com/
Well, the other countries of the world can find putting in google: web tourism official (and the country concerned). Yes, they are official sites, because the officers can not be wrong date or poorly done.
Ala, Curran!
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