Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wiltshire Staysharp Knives

tourism and technology forum

Hi All:

And by that I mean my two friends who see this blog, and long time just to go to my links.

Yesterday and the day before I was at a forum on technology and tourism, in which he spoke of many things that I was totally lost, but give me a little ashamed to admit it. We talked about podcasting, web 2.0, networking ... and helped me above all to realize I have to seek training in this area if you want to become a tourism professional, because with this technology if you get behind these lost. The same can be applied to any type of employment that results in a mission communication, marketing and advertising.

The event was presented by Javier Capitan, and the closing of the event included a talk by Enrique Dans. It was very interesting speech of ALL, I am delighted to be able to attend and learn so much from these professionals. I also loved being able to match old coworkers and studies, such as Paula, Covadonga, Lorena, Ana, Dani, etc.

superbatiburrilo now I have a head, but if you want to delve into the subject, I leave a few links to various websites:
I hope you are as useful as me.
you soon!


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