Saturday, July 18, 2009

Exterior Primer One Or Two Coats

My disaster be

several months ago have not written anything here. Paradoxically, when I'm unemployed is at least I can take time to do things "extra", that is, it would seem logical in almost 6 months of unemployment, should have had time to write this blog every day, I finished my draft protocol as one month, keep up to date medical check, the car, the negotiations with the bank, etc. Not really. One day for each and every day for another and the other thing I have not had time for anything, and now I'm working out I start to see all these things that had dragged my months of unemployment, now that I have a job, start to find time to go solving those little steps. Is not this amazing?

I was lucky enough to move from unemployment to moonlight in a week. First I called to give a course of Protocol for a group of professionals hospitality and tourism (do a separate post with this, but I guarantee you will not), shortly after calling me to start working in the Hotel Canzano of Laviana (also do a post about this, although not guarantee it) and a days later to participate in the filming of promoting the second season of Dr. Matthew in Antena 3. (This fixed I'll make a post, even if you have had a breakthrough in Semey page d'Asturies and Facebook ). And all this while doing a course in occupational trainer who had started just two weeks ago.

So here I am again, hoping to keep I promise not to abandon this blog, and to be recovering slowly in the habit of updating.

nothing else, I say goodbye to the view.


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