What bargain! That's what I thought when my friend taught me M1 the price, location and website Marble House Hotel Athens . (Of course, as we work in a cushy hotel think tol e mount oregano ...).
Close near the center is gone, but has a metro stop nearby, and you can walk quietly, if ye know a lot or personal defense course, because the area where the hotel is rather close what would be an industrial area (all car and motorcycle dealers.)
Our friends, the sisters were on the second floor, M1 and M2 I in the third. When we entered the room our first word was ¡ Me cagún mi manto!!! o algo así. Habitación tipo época Alfredo Landa, sucia, y siniestra, con unas puertas más que misteriosas que daban a un desván...ay mamina. M1 solo podía pensar (o eso creo) en que las hermanas y M1 la iban a matar por haber elegido ese hotel. Pero por suerte la planta 2 no era así!! era mucho más limpia y nueva, aunque tampoco es que fuera la repanocha ehhh. Y M1 es que es muy bueno el, pero ya estaba haciendo planes de ir en ese mismo momento a buscar un hotel de 4 estrellas mínimo.
Ese día dormimos fatal, y al día siguiente reclamamos una nueva habitación en la segunda planta,que nos otorgaron a regañadientes and anger in Inglés included. Much better, but the bathrooms ... well all bathrooms in Athens are horrible, that we'll talk later I guess.
The breakfast for 5 € is very bad coffee, pocillito cream, sour juice bottle, rare Greek pastries, and some quince paste type (all prepared in a corner of the reception desk ) and you're kicking with that Athens and the next day ask the reimbursement of the breakfast we had paid in advance and get used to breakfast in a very cool place just around the corner Masai Delivery. And for 5 € tiny desayunazos that we fight.
Note that the day after our exchange of room assigned the same to other girls went to snoop to see if they gave them our old room and M1 could hear his words as he entered the room, the English equivalent ours and became the phrase of the trip: OH. MY. GOD!.
Conclusion: It is well pa travel on the cheap, but ask for rooms on the first or second floor. And yet I notice that the toilet and cleaning are creepy. And going for breakfast.
I was looking a picture on the website that corresponded with room to which we changed, but I have found, I have not seen any of the rooms out on the website, come on, wish they had been so real. I'm not saying there, but specifically ask any of the photo, if you want to take a picture and the Marble House.
In short my daily trip to Greece.
Regards, and sorry again for the downgrade.
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